Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pregnancy #2

I'm nearly 36week preggers and enjoying every day of it (not so much at night when I get heartburn and knee pain). I'm a little sad that its going to be over so soon but I'm also ready to meet him! He is much more active at night and likes to turn and twist more than kicking. His room is almost complete and his closet and dresser are full with clean clothes. I stay up at night wondering what he looks like, how his voice will sound and most of all how much I will love him. Will I love him like I love my first baby? Is my love enough for both of them? Will my love be divided or will it grow like other moms tell me? I know one thing: he is already so special to me, I love him playing with my ribs.


  1. You need to tan that belly today!;o) I can't wait to meet him too. He's going to be so cute! And you will love him sooo much!

  2. No doubt about it - that baby is a gift from God and your love is a God given love - it spreads and grows more than you can imagine. Don't even worry about it :) I can't wait to meet this baby too!
