We are very happy to say that we are expecting baby#2 in August! Craig is beyond thrilled and I'm getting more and more excited as time goes by. I am officially out of my first trimester and I feel great! I had a few days when I felt very queasy and had a horrible headache but other than that I have had no other symptoms at all. I feel great! I thank God for an easy first trimester and now I hope and pray that through out the pregnancy I dont get sick at all. We did have a bit of a scare at about 8weeks, I started to bleed and was thought to be having a threatened miscarriage. I wasnt too worried about it because I experienced the same thing with Irina and here she is running around as I type. I was put on bed rest and took some vitamins my midwife recommended. Which brings me to another point, we are SO looking forward to a homebirth with this baby. I remember telling a friend when I was pregnant with Irina, and I quote "my dream is to have the baby at home and never make it to the hospital". I think about saying that and I wonder why I didnt just do that..why didnt I just plan a homebirth? The truth is, I was a little nervous and being a first time mom and I dint know what to expect (ha, even the book didnt help). Not that I'm a pro this time around but I feel more confident than ever in what my body can and was meant to do. I love my midwife and everything that is a part of a natural birth. What a different experience this time around!
So happy for you guys! I'm so glad you love Donnelyn too!