Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Punkin" Patch in Irina's words

i wanted to add that this is irina last year at the pumpkin patch
all the kids
story time w/ the scare-crow

mommy & irina
irina smiling this year!
"punkin" shopping!
Jeanine & Liam
Irina deep in thought

holding hands! :)

This week we finally made it to a "punkin" patch with our HAND (Homebirth Ass. of N. Dallas) group. We were not able to go with our neighborhood playgroup b/c it was raining that day and luckily this past Wednesday had cool but clear skies. Jeanine and I carpooled and headed to Arlington with our kiddos. We all settled into seats of hay and listened to a scare-crow read some funny fall books during story time. The kids walked and crawled around the pumpkins, I took a few good photos. Afterwards our group headed to Chick-fil-a for lunch and chit chat, the place was super busy! Luckily Chick-fil-a has very helpful staff so we were brought high chairs and our meals right to the table. On the way home Jeanine noticed that the kids were reaching for eachother, I pulled the camera out and took some shots. It was so sweet! Irina would hold her hand out and then Liam would reach for her, how adorable is that! Then Liam would hold his hand and wait for her, we thought it was the cutest thing ever!


  1. This is great Vanessa! I'm soooooo glad the kids are starting to interact more with each other. AND I'm so happy we have reconnected and become close friends. You are truly my closest and dearest friend and I thank you for that:O)

  2. AND that picture from last year is hilarious!

  3. it is so great to watch the kids actually play! and i'm so glad that we've become close friends too! i never imagined this back in our CareNow days! you are a great mom and a great friend! love you!
