Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby Odom Baby Bump #2

15wks preggers

As I write this I'm actually 16weeks pregnant but this pic was taken last week. I haven't blogged about the pregnancy but things are going well. In the first trimester I just felt super sleepy and had some food aversions, other than that I felt totally normal. Having Irina to take care of and chase has made me very thankful for not experiencing morning (all day really) sickness, I cant imagine going through that. I have been loving my appointments with my midwife! She is the best! When she uses the doppler to find the heartbeat she lets Irina turn it on and look for the baby, Irina smiles so big when she hears the baby. I am so glad she involves Irina with the appointments, each exam room has a toy basket in it; how great is that! I just wish I had her during my first pregnancy. I was on bed rest for a bit early on due to some bleeding but all things look great now, the baby has a nice strong heart beat. Baby is growing...he/she must be really big; because I'm HUGE this time around. I know you "show" sooner with your second but wow, I was this size at 20weeks with Irina. I also swear that I have felt this baby move already, it cant be gas! My midwife Donnellyn says that its very possible to feel the baby move at 15weeks, "your so tiny, it doesn't surprise me". You see why I love her :) I loved being pregnant with Irina and so far I'm loving this pregnancy as well.


  1. You're on a blogging it! You look so cute, not huge at all:o)

  2. Congratulations! You look great!
