This is something that presents itself to me on a regular basis and I just needed to vent and get it off my chest.
Since the day we started planning to expand our family, Craig and I made specific choices in our lives that we thought were in our families' best interest. For instance we bought a home that would allow me to stay home and not have to work, and we purchased a 4-door car that would easily fit car seats. We feel very blessed with the opportunity that I have of staying home and bringing up our daughter. However, I have come across "friends", and I now use that term loosely because a true friend would never act like this, that feel it is their business to comment on my decision to be a SAHM. Not comment outright but artfully try to disguise their remarks as neutral or just their opinions. For the past year and a half I have endured input such as "don't you get bored, I'd get stir crazy", "I realize going back to work means someone else gets to deal with my kids" and finally "I didn't go to school to just stay home", and it really bothers me when people say just. I mean really...just?? What exactly did you or do you think SAHM do? Because I have never had a dull or boring moment raising my daughter. The truth is not everyone has the opportunity to stay home and not work outside the home; and that is fine but there is no need to make sly and sneaky commentary to make yourself feel better or to make others feel worse. It used to hurt my feelings but I realize mothers can be more childish than their own kids sometimes. I love my new career choice, you couldn't pay me to go back to work.