Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My two kids

irina playing with crew as much as she can

i love going to my midwife appointments, she always involves irina in everything. below is irina checking her daddys heart and then mommys heart while nursing crew.

i have been enjoying being a mommy of 2 kids so much more than i ever thought. my favorite thing to do is watch irina interact with crew, it just melts my heart. she is such a big helper, even though she is 2 1/2 she does so much for her baby brother. she brings me clothes for him every morning, helps with diaper changes and with translating his cries. some examples of her translations are:
me: crew, are you hungry?
irina: he says YES!
me: whats going on crew?
irina: he says he wants lechita (milk in spanish) now

but my favorite thing she is doing right now is this: crew starts stirring and fussing in his crib or bouncy seat and she will say to him "its ok baby "cwew", rina's here". its SO sweet to hear her say that! she also says "ill be "reee" (right) back baby "cwew" dont be scared". i am enjoying these kids so much, they make me so happy! im tired come 9pm but im smiling through out the day with them.


mommy & the kidS! ahh! i love it! i have 2 kids now! :)

crew in his room, testing the crib he will one day sleep in
shout out thanks to laura m for the awesome crib and glider :)

crew being treated for thrush :(
poor baby, i could help but LOL when i first saw him!

irina praying for her dinner