Sunday, July 12, 2009

girls dont do that..

Since September 12, 2007 after my sonogram revealed I was expecting a girl; everyone had had something to say about little girls. "girls sit quietly and play so nice", "girls don't poop as much as boys", "girls don't climb on furniture", girls this, girls that! I just listened and thought they were right, I mean after all I'd never had a baby boy or girl. Nearly 17months later I can say that they were all full of crap. My little girl is a tom boy, loud, cant sit still and does stunt devil type jumps of the couch! She does have a sweet side, she loves to kiss people and now gives tight hugs- makes my heart melt! The other day she was playing quietly in a corner, (which is a warning signal to any mom) so I eased over to where she was. She turns and looks up at me with a huge smile, says "bzzzzz", opens her hand and shows me a dead june bug. It was still half alive and semi crawling with its head cut off...poor thing didn't stand a chance, Irina did a number on it. Girls aren't supposed to do that! She is supposed to pick flowers and put them in her hair! Craig and I joke around that she is a little monster..she is our kissing & hugging, bug decapitating baby monster. I love her no matter what she is "supposed" to be. She is the best Irina we could ever ask for. I just hope this is the last bug she kills...

1 comment:

  1. Uck! I'll bet that was a shock when you opened her hand to see a half dead bug! Elizabeth would never touch a bug - but Ben on the other kids definitely live up to the gender biases!
